Seeking The Voice Within

Do you:

Ask others what they think? 

Wonder what someone might say if you make a decision? Maybe you second guess your decisions. Well friend, you're in the right place.

I remember growing up and my mom making pretty much every decision for me. At times, I would have the opportunity to make a decision, but there were always parameters of course. Even though there were good intentions on my moms part, this really backfired as I became an adult. Can you relate?

I’ve been in a position to make some difficult decisions in my life like what to make for dinner… Okay, I’m kidding. But really, that can be a tough decision when you have some picky eaters in your home. In all seriousness, I’ve had to make decisions like which treatment I wanted during cancer, adopting a child, deciding to have children, getting married, buying a house, etc. Like me, I know you have been put in situations where you’ve had to make some tough decisions in your life. Maybe it’s to stay in your marriage, have a baby, which foods to eat for your healthy body, which doctor to see for your illness, etc.


  1. Stop asking everyone else what they think. You already know the answer within.

  2. Create space to listen to the God within you.

  3. Wait for the answer.

Here’s how you can listen to the voice within:

Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and ask yourself a question in your mind. Take a deep breath out and answer the question. Just listen. Don’t tell yourself the answer. Keep doing this until you hear the voice within you. 

This takes practice, but come back to it and keep going. 

It’s okay, if you are just starting out with making decisions or if you’re a pro at it and you just don’t know what to do. The more we continue asking others for advice, the more our own voice becomes silent. 

When seeking professional help, it’s important your coach, counselor, or mentor asks you, “What do you think?” It’s easy for us professionals to give advice, but the true advice is already within you. 

Cheers to Recovering from the past, Restoring your present and Rewiring your future!


- Tiffany


Tiffany Howard