Top 5 Priorities

A few weeks ago, I blogged about Busyness Isn’t Attractive and touched on priorities. If you haven't read it yet, make sure to do that. I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you. 

Have you ever thought about your priorities and how they impact your daily life?

Think about the last time you had a full day to yourself or maybe A few minutes. Maybe you’ve never thought of your priorities. 

Take a moment to write down your top 5 right now.

What did you discover? Does your life reflect these priorities?

If you’re anything like me,

here were mine :

1. Work

2. Kids

3. Hubby

4. Friends

5. Myself

And my life reflected it. I was burnt out. I had no sex drive. My adrenals were off the chart because I was so stressed out. Eventually, my body became abused and I was the abuser. Ouch!

It wasn’t until my church introduced The Top 5. That changed everything! I’ve always loved God. I mean, I prayed all the time but God never touched my top 5. I’ve recognized without balance or harmony, I’m a hot mess; literally. Think about it, everything has a balance in life, even the planet you live on. 

What happens when you are out of balance? What happens when your priorities are abandoned? 

How to decide what your priorities are going to be:

Think about who is most important to you.

  1. Then, think about what is most important to you.

  2. Keep going, you're on the right track!

  3. Now, visualize what a day would look like if you practice those priorities. 

  4. Keep visualizing a year from now.

  5. Does that feel light? If not, you need to go back to step 1. Do this until it feels light.

Can my priorities change?

Yes! For all you type A personalities, don't create a check list. Wake up..check…read bible…check…workout…check…shower…check. Haha, if you know, you know 🤣 

Let your priorities floooooow. Yes, flow. Some days, are busier than others and that's fine. Just remember your priorities. If they are top of mind, you'll create harmony within your life. Nobody else can tell you what your priorities are. Only you can. So, stop asking everyone else and trust yourself (more on how to do that in another blog 😉).

Recover, Restore, and Rewire

I hope you know that just because you are just now trying to figure out your priorities, it doesn't mean you can't recover from the past. You are already starting to restore your present by taking time to read this blog and if you created your priorities just now, you are on your way to rewiring your future, my friend.

Cheers to your Top 5…


- Tiffany


Tiffany Howard