Post Holiday Stress

For many, holidays are a time to relax and enjoy one another. For others, it's a reminder of our past. It's a reminder of who we don't get to see. It's a reminder of a traumatic experience that happened over and over again. Or maybe it's a reminder of how dysfunctional your family is.

And now you're going into the new year making resolutions and setting goals. But really, you need time to recover from the holidays. 

It’s bad enough we feel anxious or sadness leading up to the holidays and now to feel the stress afterwards….come on

You might be thinking:

“I am in more debt because I overspent.”

“All my family is back home and now I am alone again.”

“I didn’t get to spend the holidays how I wanted to.”

“It’s hard not having mom or dad here for the holidays.”

"Did I really come from this family? They are so dysfunctional."

Do you know the warning signs of post holiday stress?

According to very well mind, here are a few signs:

  • Changes in weight or sleep patterns

  • Irritable mood

  • Depressed mood

  • Foggy thinking

  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness

  • Fatigue

  • Feeling anxious or worried

  • Loss of interest

Here are a few journal prompts:

Identify what's going on.

Where is this coming from?

When did this start?

What are my signs and symptoms?

Is there someone I need to forgive?

What boundaries can I set to de-stress?

Diet plays a role too…

During the holidays we had more sugar, calories, gluten, carbs, alcohol, etc.

Alcohol is a widely known depressant and adding all the other junk, didn't help either. Your gut impacts your mind. 

So you didn't have much self control over the holidays. Forgive yourself. Stop feeling guilty and let's make a plan. 

At Infinite Healing, we use a friendly tool called Zyto. We use this to measure the imbalances in your body. Your diet may be contributing to your post holiday stress. Your emotions can be the culprit too. 

How long does post holiday stress last?

This looks different for everyone. This also depends on your environmental stress such as relationships, alcohol intake, work and life balance, finances, and diet. If we started the holidays with stress and are now suffering from post holiday stress, it's likely you will have one or a few symptoms above.



Take time for yourself

  1. Eat nutritious foods

  2. Stay hydrated with water

  3. Write down what you're thankful for


Reach out to friends who fill your cup:

  1. Maintain a good diet

  2. Get a massage or Therapeutic Touch 

  3. Take a brisk walk and get fresh air

Write yourself a love note and speak it over your life daily

  1. Journal your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors 

  2. Have a weekly date with yourself

  3. Seek professional advice

And Remember…


- Tiffany


Tiffany Howard